Tharpanam therapy is for the eyes. This therapy cures eye diseases. In this therapy, pure and medicated ghee is used to pour on the eyes and made to stay for a while. This therapy takes 45 minutes and helps in strengthening the optic nerves, relaxing, sore and dry eye syndrome, and also improving eyesight. Tharpanam also balances eye stress and helps to get relief from irritation.
In Tharpanam therapy, ghee, triphala, and medicated oil are combined and used. Also, urad daal, or black gram, is used to make a circular ring around the eyes. Ghee is used as it keeps the eyes fresh because of its cooling effect. The best herbs used for this therapy are jeevanthyadi gritham, Triphala gritham, and patoldi gritham.
First, they made a round ring using urad daal or black gram to prevent the leakage of ghee. Then ghee is poured on the eyes and let the eyes absorb the minerals, warmth, and nourishment for a good `period of time. This procedure removes stress and cures all diseases.
The treatment can take up to 45 minutes of time. The frequency of the treatment depends upon the patient and disease. Usually, it takes around 7–21 days of time and more, depending upon the disease. Sometimes just to get relaxed and eliminate eye stress, patrons go for this treatment.
After the therapy, there are precautions to be taken by the patrons and follow the practitioner’s guidance. Patrons have to rest their eyes as much as possible. It is suggested to stay away from bright lights and avoid getting in contact with the sun. Either wear sunglasses while going out. Taking precautions is important for the eye. Avoid putting stress on your eyes and avoid sleeping late at night. Avoid working at night, as it causes stress to your eyes.
Tharpanam treatment is recommended for those who are suffering from dry eye syndrome, night blindness, vision or clarity problems, irritation, and other related issues. Also, sometimes if the patron wants to balance eye-sstress and promote relaxation, they are recommended this therapy. This helps with distressed eyes and relaxation. Tharpanam therapy cures all the diseases related to the eyes. People who work on laptops for longer periods of time should go for this therapy. Night-shift corporate workers should add this therapy to their wellness routine.
Tharpanam is a therapy that cures eye-related diseases. In this therapy, patrons expect a good massage with pure medicated ghee. During the therapy, practitioners expect to open their eyes, which is a difficult task for the patrons. Also after the therapy, patrons expect to cleanse pollutants, regenerate tissues, relax, and be stress-free. The patron should expect perfect guidance from the therapist to maintain their eyes.
The benefits of Tharpanam therapy include:
Tharpanam therapy is really useful to cure diseases related to the eyes. The medicated ghee and massage relieve eye strain and fatigue. This therapy usually takes 30-45 minutes of time. When the patron is suffering from pain or eye strain problems, they should grab the benefits of Tharpanam therapy.
Improves vision and clarity
When the patron is suffering from vision problems or clarity issues, they should go for Tharpanam therapy. It improves vision and clarity of the eyes and also helps to clear eyesight problems.
Reduces dryness and soothes irritation
Dryness and irritations are common problems in today’s life because of increasing air pollution. When the patron comes into contact with dust or sunlight or uses electronic devices like TVs or mobile phones for excess time, they get irritation problems. Working continuously for a long time on a laptop or system can also cause disease or pain. To get relief from these problems, Tharpanam disease is beneficial as it reduces dryness and soothes irritation.
Balances eye-related doshas
Tharpanam therapy is beneficial to balance eye-related doshas. It helps in strengthening the optic nerves.
Promotes relaxation and reduces stress
This therapy also promotes relaxation and reduces stress. Sometimes patrons recommend or adapt this therapy only to get relief from stress. It reduces all the stress and helps to nourish the eyes. It also improves eyesight.
Post-treatment care is mandatory not only for this therapy but for all types of therapy. After this therapy, the patron has to take care of some points, including getting in contact with the sun or bright light and wearing sunglasses while going out. Working for a long time using a laptop or computer is not recommended. Patrons should also avoid excess use of TV and mobiles and avoid sleeping late at night. Avoid putting stress on your eyes and give them rest. Avoid watching TV or using mobile phones and laptops at night and without lights.
Anyone who is suffering from any type of eye disease is eligible for the treatment. Also, if the patron is suffering from dryness, irritation, pain, or vision, they can go for this treatment. You can also go for this treatment if you are suffering from eye stress and need relaxation. Anyone suffering from disease or not is eligible for the treatment.
Anyone suffering from any kind of allergy is contraindicated from the therapy. Patrons should consult a doctor first before going for any therapy. Consulting a doctor is important. Patrons should also inform the therapist about the disease and pain they are suffering from. During fever or other problems, if the doctor is not accepting the process of therapy, then the patient is contraindicated from the therapy.
Integrating Tharpanam into your wellness routine is very helpful and beneficial for your health. Integrating this therapy to remove your eye stress and promote relaxation can help you to sleep well. This is also the best way to improve your eyesight. Adding this therapy to your wellness routine is the best decision you can make for your eyes.