Herbal Park Ayurveda


Shirodhara is a Sanskrit word, where Shiro stands for head and dhara stands for flow. Shirodhara therapy is the process where warm medicated oil is poured on the forehead between the eyebrows. Shirodhara therapy’s methods, measures, process, and medication are close to nature, and it is a classical Ayurvedic treatment.

The Procedure of Shirodhara

Shirodhara therapy is helpful for overall health. There are three main doshas: Shirodhara, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Where Vata refers to movement energy, Pitta is metabolic energy, and Kapha is structural and lubricating energy. The procedure is very simple for this therapy. The type of oil and dosha is selected depending on the disease. The patron is requested to lie down, and the therapy starts taking place on the forehead of the patron.

Oil and herbs used

In Shirodhara therapy, natural oils and herbs are recommended to use. Ksheer bala tailam, sesame, and coconut oil are some oils used for Shirodhara treatment. Decoction, milk, buttermilk with herbs, and various herbal ingredients are also used in Shirodhara.

Different Types of Shirodhara

There are many types of Shirodhara treatment, such as

  • Tailadhara

    Massaging warm oil with herbs for 90 minutes on the forehead. This therapy eliminates stress, anxiety, migraines, and insomnia. It also promotes sleep and concentration.

  • Takradhara

    This therapy is processed using buttermilk and herbs. This therapy results in calming the mind, relaxation, and decreased stress.

  • Ksheeradhara

    This therapy pacifies aggravated doshas and has a time duration of 90 minutes. This therapy is done using milk and herbs. Boiling milk with herbs and massaging on the forehead results in nourishing tissues and improving memory and concentration.

  • Kwathadhara

    The decoction of this therapy is prepared by boiling water with specific herbs. The decoction cures muscle stress and helps in relaxation and balance blood circulation. The time duration of the therapy is 90 minutes.

  • Jalandhar

    This therapy heals the issues of the neck and throat. Yoga is the best therapy to decrease neck stress and balance the circulation in the upper body. Breathing exercise also helps to cure vocal stains.

Treatment Duration and Frequency

The time duration of shirodara is 45-90 minutes. The frequency depends upon the patron’s body and how much it takes to cure the disease. Sometimes patrons also go for this massage to get relaxed and stress-free. The duration depends on the will and disease of the patron. Sometimes patrons without any disease use this treatment.


Patron is suggested to take some precautions if they want Shirodhara massage to be done properly. Avoid having heavy food before massage is suggested. Taking rest after the therapy and focusing on proper diet, exercise, yoga, and physical activity is important after the treatment.

Recommended for?

Shirodhara is a massage that eliminates stress and helps relax. Some of the diseases or situations where Shirodhara therapy is helpful are

  • Stress and anxiety:

    Shirodhara massage is a therapy that eliminates all kinds of stress, anxiety, or depression.

  • Promotes sleep

    Shirodhara is beneficial to cure insomnia. It also gives relief and hence helps to get good sleep.

  • Headaches

    Shirodhara therapy is helpful as it cures headaches and migraines. Anyone who is suffering from headaches or migraines can go for this treatment.

  • Skin and Hair

    Shirodhara helps to reduce scalp disorders and improves skin and hair health.

What to expect during and after the session.

Shirodhara is a therapy where you expect relaxation during the session. After the session, patrons expect that the stress, anxiety, diseases, and sleep disorders are balanced and satisfied. Shirodhara therapy is helpful for overall health. It also balances hormonal disorders and promotes a calm and relaxed mind and body.

Post-Treatment Care:

After the session of therapy, the patron must take care of some things, like post-treatment care. Patrons must take a rest at least for an hour after every session. Patrons must follow a diet and involve themselves in exercise, yoga, and other physical activity. Patrons must avoid stress, anxiety, laziness, and depression and have mindful living. Patrons must have healthy food with fruits and vegetables.

Benefits of Shirodhara

Shirodhara therapy has benefits to cure various problems and helps to live a healthy life. This therapy is helpful for people who want to get a cure for stress, depression, muscle stress, or any other health issues. This therapy helps the patron relax and be mindful while living.

Who is eligible for the treatment?

The person who is dealing with health issues or stress, anxiety, improper sleep, headaches, migraines, or skin or hair problems is eligible for the treatment. Shirodhara therapy helps them to cure these health problems. Anyone who is not suffering from the disease is also eligible for treatment for relaxation and mindful living.


Contraindication is a thing where patrons are suggested not to go for the therapy. When the patron is suffering from fever, cough, or any other health issue that does not support Shirodhara therapy, it is not suggested to get the treatment. They are contraindicated for the therapy.

Integrating Shirodhara into your wellness routine.

Integrating Shirodhara into your wellness routine can help you have mindful living. For a stress-free and relaxed mind, Sirodhara is helpful. It helps to eliminate health problems like imbalance sleeping, migraines, headaches, etc. It helps in having an active and well-being life.