Based on ancient healing techniques this Indian Reflexology consist of Foot Massage using hand techniques including friction movements like rubbing, stroking, which stimulates blood circulation followed by Marma points activation by applying suitable pressure increasing “Prana Flow” vital energy throughout the body.
Soothing back massage helps to soothe your sore back muscles, nourishing vertebrae and rejuvenating spinal cord. Attention is given to areas like cervical and lumbar, which are prone to get affected from our daily stress and long working hours.
Based on ancient healing techniques this Indian Reflexology consist of Foot Massage using hand techniques including friction movements like rubbing, stroking, which stimulates blood circulation followed by Marma points activation by applying suitable pressure increasing “Prana Flow” vital energy throughout the body.
Traditional Indian head massage using blend of herbal oils with specialized gentle deep strokes and pressure on various vital energy points of head, face, neck and shoulders, offers relief from hair and scalp problems, strengthens hair roots, reduces stiffness, musculoskeletal tensions around neck and shoulders, promotes luster, improves the function of the five senses, helps with detoxification of the body and negative sense impressions.
Face massage based on the ancient therapeutic principles of Ayurveda, done with specific herbal oil, drawing benefits of drugs like Indian saffron, Rubia cordifolia. This anti-aging massage helps to relax facial muscles, stimulating lymphatic and blood circulation releasing all stress-induced toxins from your face, restoring its natural glow and radiance